"One should never know too precisely whom one has married."
the dARK truths of successful marriage
Isn't it time to get to the bottom of things?
No one gets married thinking it's going to be easy. At the same time, no one gets married knowing what kind of "hard" it's going to be. Most of us have a pretty good idea what it takes to create a successful marriage. Yet, when the going gets tough, we have a difficult time doing the things we know would make things better. Knowing and living the Dark Truths Of Successful Marriage will make tough times more easily navigated.
It's easy to find the generally accepted features of a successful marriage.
it's much harder to uncover the deeper, MORE DIFFICULT, features of successful marriage.
Success in marriage requires more than doing the right thing at the right time. It requires being the right kind of person and having a mindset that considers the truth about who you are, how you relate and how you make sense of your relationship life. The Dark Truths Of Successful Marriage go beyond what you do and when you do it. They address who you are and how you relate to the real and persistent trials even a good marriage brings to life.
"you don't love because: You love despite; not for the virtues but despite the faults."
William Faulkner
We are always drawn to a partner because they possess the virtues we seek....beauty, intelligence, status, personality. Once committed, it doesn't take long for those virtues to wear thin and for the faults to show up. It's easy to find happiness in the world of virtue. But that's not the world we inhabit much of the time. Try as we might to preserve and sustain the world of virtue, it usually crumbles under the weight of time and stress. It's in the darker world of fault that the successful marriage makes itself known.
"There's a crack in everything. that's how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen